Upholstered in premium Kvadrat Hallingdal fabric, and available in a choice of distinctive colour-ways, the Artek Kiki Three Seater Bench is a magnificently considered piece that will make a home of any living space or workplace. First designed in 1960 by the esteemed Finnish designer, the Kiki range is a wonderful example of seating furniture with timeless appeal. A leather rendition is also available.

Finnish designer Ilmari Tapiovaara was one of the greatest interior architects and designers of his era. With the mind of an explorer and soul of a craftsman, Tapiovaara was always looking for ways to improve everyday objects. He embraced the principle of social equality and became a leading figure in the years after World War Two, when design was no longer seen as a luxury for the few.
A main characteristic of Tapiovaara's work was that he explored its possibilities through multiplicity - he created many versions of each of his designs and reissued them in different shapes.
Tapiovaara's most iconic work is his Domus Chair, a stackable plywood chair which he designed for Domus Academica, a new student housing facility in Helsinki.