This remarkably simple and intuitive object follows a ten-year collaboration with the renowned designer and a continuous relationship with the Shiro Kuramata foundation which is dedicated to the research of the artist/designer’s many projects. Steel Pipe, proposed in the black and white tones that characterize most of his projects, has an iron structure epoxy powder coated matt black with a white laminate top, black cover and grey plastic wheels.
Shiro Kuramata was born in 1934, Tokyo, Japan. He studied architecture at Tokyo's Technical College until 1953. Since then he has had an impressive career as an architect, interior designer and furniture designer. In 1965 he established the "Kuramata Design Office" in Tokyo, and won the Japanese Cultural Prize for Design in 1981.
His projects include designing and fitting out the interiors of the Issey Miyake boutiques in New York, Paris and Tokyo. One of his most significant and dramatic furniture designs is the "How High the Moon" armchair, which is now within the Vitra Edition collection.