Protect your EOS Outdoor Furniture during the winter months with these specially designed covers. Available for items in the Case Furniture EOS range, the outdoor covers are made-to-measure and highly durable, thanks to the high-quality ripstop polyester fabric with polyethylene lining. The cover is punctuated by vents that help reduce moisture and feature handy buckle straps to ensure full coverage even in the most extreme of conditions.
The dining side chair and dining armchair covers can fit up to four chairs stacked on top of one another, while each other cover fits a single item.

Born in 1957, British furniture designer Matthew Hilton studied at Portsmouth College of Art and then at Kingston Polytechnic. After graduating he worked for Capa as an industrial designer and model maker. He then went on to set up his own design studio/workshop in 1984. In 1986, SCP was the first designer furniture manufacturer to produce Hilton’s work.
Matthew Hilton has since gone on to work with many international furniture manufacturers including CASE, Montis, Authentics and De La Espada.