Part of the Ledtube Collection for Marset, the Ledtube Mini Wall Light maintains the performance and proportions of the original but offers a more compact profile. Expertly crafted from durable materials, it boasts innovative technology that supplements practicality to your home. Remarkably versatile, with the ability to adapt to a range of environments, its ergonomic design beckons you to move it in any direction, automatically turning on when open and switching off when closed. Ideally utilised next to a bed or beside a desk or lounge chair, the tactile light can be installed vertically or horizontally to accommodate your needs.
Lighting designer Daniel Lopez is the technical director of Spanish lighting brand Marset.
Working hand in hand with designers to develop their lamps, his close relationship has enabled him to learn how to maintain the essence of each product, down to the last detail, whilst providing all his know-how to make the lamps technically impeccable.