Never before in production, the minimalist Combination 5 is brought to life exactly as Børge Mogensen had intended; a flexible system, highly functional used alone but with the ability to be continually repurposed and easily adapted. The media unit or closed storage cupboard was designed as part of the Byggemøbler or 'building furniture' concept, meaning that each piece of the BM0253 system can be built upon and combined, offering the user a truly circular piece of furniture that effortlessly evolves as one with their ever-changing needs and spaces.

Borge Mogensen (1914–1972) started his career as a cabinetmaker in 1934.
In 1936 he went on to study at the Copenhagen School of Arts and Crafts under Professor Kaare Klint before entering the Royal Academy of Fine Arts from where he graduated as an architect in 1942. He became head of design at FDB (the Danish co-op) in 1942 before establishing his own design office in 1950.